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Final Fantasy Potion

Summary: Final Fantasy is a computer game that completely passed me by, but evidently it's very popular worldwide. So popular in fact that, in the run up to the 2006 release of Final Fantasy XII, the manufacturer Square Enix teamed up with drinks giant Suntory to produce a special 'potion'.

At its launch, literally tens of teenagers rushed to buy twenty seven premium sets which included a specially-shaped bottle with one of six intricately-detailed bottle caps, as well as a collectible art card (of which there were twenty seven in total).

By all accounts they probably threw the herbal potion away, reports state it tastes a bit like Red Bull's nasty cousin - ouch.

Chunder rating: 

Interesting fact:  At the time of writing some Final Fantasy figurines were on sale on Ebay for $1200. A bottle of the potion was also on sale for a mere $110.

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