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Ready To Come In Peace

Ready To Come In Peace

By Catherine Scullion

According to a leading Ufologist (yes this is a word, even despite Microsoft’s determination to make this urologist) the earth will experience alien contact within the next four months.

Jan Val Ellam, author of 15 bestselling books on Spirituality and its extra-terrestrial links, made the announcement in his native Brazillian UFO Magazine. "The contact will leave no doubt to anyone in this world that 'they' exist and are watching us. No government, no media, no scientific, religious or military organization will have a chance to deny it."

Van Ellam claims to serve as a ‘bridge’ between our own civilisation and those elsewhere in the universe. He has been keeping notes of their messages to him for the last 20 years and it was through these dealings that he was made aware of alien plans to meet our acquaintance between this November and April next year.


Apparently the alien race is radically different to ourselves; preferring manners, kindness and pacifism to the violent turbulence we create on our planet surface. Van Ellam claims that a lack of previous visitation is due to our evident aggression, though also realises his claims seem ‘absurd'.

Despite the impending nature of the event, world leaders are so far without comment. I suppose the lack of possibility of an intergalactic war has left little for most of them to get excited about.

To read more about Catherine or to view more of her articles click here.

Image: Simon Gurney/SXC

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