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World In Brief... World In Brief...

All over the world there are crazy things afoot. Things that'll make you either cry with laughter or shake your head in despair. Here's a selection from the last few days:

  • A German bank had to deal with a sizeable deposit this week which left some staff members in fits of giggles. The bank opened its doors as usual to find horse manure all over the lobby, together with the perpetrator and the owner of the horse. The man was supposedly too drunk to make it home the previous night and had decided to kip in the bank instead. Following the clean up operation the bank stated that the matter was closed - why are my bank never so understanding?

  • Peru has declared a state of emergency due to a plague of rats that has so far affected over 150,000 people in six different regions. Unusually warm temperatures has meant that the rats are breeding like....eeeeer....rabbits and potato and bean crops have been devastated.

  • In this day and age people are told 'be safe, carry condoms'. Pretty self explanatory really but what you probably didn't know is that if you are in the middle of nowhere and need to light a fire, condoms may actually save your life. Don't believe me? Click here.

  • A pregnant cow went on the rampage in Germany causing 25,000 euros worth of damage. After a three hour chase with police and firefighters, the feisty Charolais cow was eventually brought down by tranquiliser darts.

Go to Dr Duck's World in Brief page for crazy science snippets from weeks gone by.

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