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The World In Brief The World In Brief

All over the world there are crazy things afoot. Things that'll make you either cry with laughter or shake your head in despair. Here's a selection from the last few days:

  • Berlin's railway station has 8000 panes of glass and up until now, each one had to be individually wiped; even the window cleaners needed a special permit to venture on to the dangerous roof. But now there is a new automated system in place so there is no danger of anyone kicking the bucket.
  • Vultures are famous for gorging themselves on the carcasses of dead animals, but it seems that Spanish vultures aren't reading the script. There are reports of over 100 vultures killing a cow and her newborn calf. Murderers.

  • The stirrup is the smallest bone in the human ear and if it breaks, you're in trouble. But now there is a solution at hand - injection moulding with titanium implants. Cool, I've got metal ears, I am the Terminator!

  • Just when you thought everything was on an even keel in Nepal, tensions between the Maoist rebels and the government have been reignited by an unlikely source. Thousands of snakes have invaded camps set up during the peace treaty and so far over 700 snakes have been killed. The Maoist leader chief Prachanda is having a complete hissy fit over it.

Go to Dr Duck's World in Brief page for crazy science snippets from weeks gone by.

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