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The Wasteful American

The Wasteful American

In a new series from the
Null, the Wasteful American, a.k.a. Katelyn Sack, investigates ways in which we may or may not be squandering the planet’s precious resources. In installment two, the Wasteful One tackles America's obsession with cleanliness - and recommends staying dirty.

As an American, when I am not scouring the streets for terrorists, I am invariably showering. While I was waiting for the hot water heater to recuperate one evening, my smelly European neighbour dropped by to borrow a cup of sugar. When I asked him if his shower was broken or if he needed money for soap, he patiently explained that the American abhorrence of body odour is not a universal human stance.

Research question
What and how much do we Americans waste making sure we don't smell like animals? Is it enough to justify invading a country rich in the natural resource of soap?

Let’s do the math
A (literal) Navy shower
The most obvious resource wasted by excessive American hygiene habits is water. So first we will need to calculate the amount of water Americans waste showering daily (as is most often the case) instead of (a) a different bathing technique – a half-bath, detached showerhead, or other method that uses somewhere between what a