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Peculiar Periodicals

Peculiar Periodicals

It turns out there are even more unlikely publications than The Journal of Unlikely Science. 
Every Thursday, our very own Dr Steer turns his attention to another improbable periodical.


Name – Excellent! Sounds like an uplifting novel about a man fighting against all odds to save a litter of seal pups from impending doom whilst learning to love himself for who he truly is. The seals survive.
Click to enlarge Front cover – Disappointingly dull. They’re missing an opportunity for pictures of small gurning children which would bring the sunshine back into science.
Off-the-wallness – I’ve seen more peculiar, but let’s face it it’s not everyday you meet someone who studies happy.
Usefulness – This is the kind of research the world needs. Who could fail to be 100% behind a journal where one recent paper is called “I am so Happy ’Cause Today I Found My Friend”?
Impressiveness – Lacks long and complex terms and very few 3D graphs, you’re not likely to be knocking anyone off their bar-stools with this research. But at least you might be the sort of person you would find in a bar, which is a bonus.
Overall The brave face of science, pushing back boundaries to try and make us all a little happier. Good work!

Impact factor: Big, like a slap in the face from a sea lion.

More peculiar periodicals to come next Thursday.  Until then why not find a phunny phobia?

Image: Hector Landaeta

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