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Doctor, Doctor...

Doctor, Doctor...

By Dave Hall

For all you hypochondriacs out there, Dave Hall continues his regular look at a some of the more unusual medical conditions, as well as some you thought you knew all about.

This week: COLD SORES.

Condition Caused by the Herpes simplex virus, this is a common condition in adults, where it manifests as watery blisters on the skin around the mouth and lips. These dry over time, and can become cracked leaving rather unsightly open sores. Once the viruses have entered the body, they hide in the human nervous system, which is why they can stay hidden and pop up now and again when you’re feeling low or run down. About 1 in 5 people in the UK have recurring cold sores.

Contagion – One of the most contagious virus groups in the world. In addition, it stays with you so that once you have had an attack, you will always be susceptible to having others (which is called ‘sporadic viral reactivation’ if you’re interested).

Danger of death – You are very unlikely to die from a single cold sore, but the virus can be carried and passed down to babies in the womb where it can be fatal – the child’s immune system cannot defend against the virus.
Incurability? There is no cure yet for cold sores, but there are treatments available that can stop the tingly itchiness and reduce the likelihood of the sore shedding and becoming caught by others. The current creams usually contain Lysine, which is a protein that replaces another protein,  Argenine – which is essential for the virus to replicate. Other ‘experts’ claim that keeping the area cold or bathing in alkali helps.
Likelihood of getting time off work It will be quite likely that people keep their distance of you if you have a giant sore on your upper lip, best stay at home, cover your face with a bag or a tea towel and lie low for a while.
Brag-ability Not a lot to shout home about really, and depending on the size and state of the sore, you won't be able to shout much anyway.
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Overall ridiculousness Not a pleasant experience, but at least one that is understood and is manageable with treatment. Oh, it can be spread through kissing, so keep yourself to yourself.

More conditions to come soon:

    Object Sexuality, Mumps and more.

Find more curious conditions in Doctor Doctor. If you can't wait for the next Doctor Doctor, then why not find a Phunny Phobia to keep you going?

Photo: Herpes simplex virus, NASA

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