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Top 16 Recycled Stuff

Top 16 Recycled Stuff

According to reports, the world is thinking green this Christmas. So we've been ferreting out the best recycled products on offer around the web. There's everything from stools made out of egg cartons to bags made out of African Sprite bottle tops. In fact, you can pretty much get anything made out of anything else.

(click on the links for the inside story)

Sheep Poo Air Fresheners - £1.99 (UK)
You could say these are pretty cheap and nasty, but they're a great present. Sheep droppings are sterilised, washed and recycled into paper. Poo-paper pouches are then stuffed with homely smells... homely for sheep that is. Daffodil and grass flavours available. (from Planet Trash)

Tin can VW Beetle - £9.99 (UK)
Not a full size car unfortunately, but a mini version made entirely out of recycled tin cans. They are created by a co-operative in Madagascar providing Fair Trade employment to formerly impoverished artisans. Could it get any more worthy? (from Ecomundi)

Vinyl Bowls - £14 (US)
It's sad to say, but the days of vinyl are long gone. So what are you going to do with all those old, unplayed Val Doonican records gathering dust at the back of the cupboard? Well, you could do what these clever clogs have done and turn them into top quality bowls. (from Eco-artware)

Ecobutton - £14.99 (UK)
This really is hot off the press. Only just available, it's the latest in USB wonderation - plug it in and, when you leave your computer, just bop the button; it'll cut your machine's power usage right down without switching it off. It remains ready to spring into action at a moment's notice. (website)

Sprite Bottle Top Bag - £15 (US)
That's right, it's a bag made out of bottle tops. Not just any old bottle tops though, recycled African bottle tops. According to the website these bags embody the creativity and resourcefulness of their Kenyan manufacturers. And also the fact that the Kenyans drink a lot of Sprite.  (from Hapaculture)

Newcastle Brown Tray - £15 (UK)
Using just a kiln and a bit of knowhow, Jane Crudace has taken old beer bottles and flatted them out to produce... well flat bottles. You can use one as a cheese board, a serving dish or just to frighten the cat. A variety of bottles are available inc. coke bottles for just £4. (from 55degreesglass)

Magazine Mirror - £25 (US)
I actually really like this, and if you've ever met me you'll know I'm not the kind of man who regularly seeks out mirrors. It's surrounded by coils of recycled magazine pages and just looks pretty damn groovy.  It's only available in the States though by the looks of it. (from Urban Outfitters)

Blackspot Unswoosher Shoes - £50 (Can)
Produced by the company Vegetarian Shoes, these are a greenie's footwear of choice (wellies and sandals apart). The uppers are 100% organic hemp and the soles are made out of old car tires - so you should be able to do at least 20,000 miles before they give out. (from Adbusters)

Cool Chairs, Old Consoles - £99 + VAT (UK)
By far one of our favourites in the list - chairs made out of recycled games consoles. The seat and back of this chair, for instance, is made entirely from PlayStation 2s. It's a much more constructive way of getting revenge on sodding Lara Croft than just throwing her against a wall. (from Pli design)

Egg Carton Footstool - £110 (US)
Sit back, put your feet up and relax, because under your feet is a blimin cool stool made from recycled egg cartons. You just have to keep telling yourself that, however much it might look like it, the red one hasn't been made out of a recycled Bagpuss.  (from Eco-artware)

Traffic Light Sign Chair - £500 (US)
How many times have you been stuck in a roadworks-inflicted traffic jam wishing that there was just some way you could take your vengence. Well here it is - steal one of the signs and make it into a chair. That'll teach 'em to block up the roads, bloody fascists. (from Eco-artware)

Replica 1492 ' Erdapfel' Globe - £675 (UK)
You can buy a replica of the world's first globe - created before the discovery of the Americas - standing on a base of recycled timber. There are a range of other globes available, including a Martian version for the discerning astronomer. Will set you back a few bob though. (from Globe Makers)

Electric Guitar - from £745 (UK)
When I said you could get pretty much anything, I meant pretty much anything. With the bodies made from recycled industrial plastics these guitars are a must for the eco-conscious rocker. Stairway to Heaven will never have sounded more poignant. (from Simon Lee)

Recycled Side Table - £1,400 (US)
The fact that this interesting looking table was designed by Matt Gagnon evidently makes it worth well over a grand. Not bad for something made out of recycled paper board. The table can be laid on it's side and used a magazine rack though. Clever. (from BranchHome.com)

Yoghurt Pot Kitchen - £2,450+ (UK)
Why not try something different this year? How about collecting up 7,000 yoghurt pots and making them into cupboard doors? For the worktops, coffee cups will do. If you like the idea but don't fancy all the work, some fancy buggers have already done it for you. Kitchen sink and all. (from Milestone)

Children's Play Area - £16,000+ (UK)
If you really fancy spoiling the kids this year, but want to make sure that your impact on the planet isn't too great then a recycled play area might be just the thing. You could pay £16k for a top of the range one, or just nick a tractor tire from the nearest farm. Your call. (from Monsterplay)

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Title image: Julie Elliott

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