9th October 2006
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ABC - Amazing Biological Curiosities (part 2) ABC - Amazing Biological Curiosities (part 2)

In our ongoing look at animals and plants that have rather unusual names, here are more curiosities from the natural world - all very real, with peculiar Latin names given out of spite, humour or just plain madness...

Orsonwelles - a type of spider.
Pandora - a clam.
Eurygenius - a beetle.
Anticlimax - a fossil snail.
Gammaracanthuskytodermogammarus loricatobaicalensis - a type of water shrimp, which has the longest full name at 50 characters, and the longest genus name.
Hiatus - a type of fly.
Provocator - a snail.
Tuxedo - a bug that lives on plants.
Dalailama - a Tibetan moth.
Baeturia laureli and B. hardyi - two types of cicada.
Texananus - a leafhopper.
Captaincookia margaretae - a plant, from New Caledonia.
Agra vation - a type of beetle.
Carmenelectra shechisme - fossil fly found in amber.
Kamera lens - a very small colonial organism called a protist.
Phthiria relativitae - a species of fly, now sadly moved into a new genus Poecilognathus. Pieza kake?
Pieza deresistans - a type of moth.
Pieza kake - another type of moth.
Tababus rhizonshine - a horse fly.
Verae peculya - a type of parasitic braconid wasp.
Bugeranus - a type of bird known as a wattled crane.
Lablab lablab - hyacinth bean, sadly now in the genus Dolichos.
Nirvana - a type of leafhopper.
Ambrosia - a ragweed.
Ptomomys, Dickomys, and Harryomys - three genera of pocket gophers, the latter two are only known from fossils.
Hero - a sea slug.
Pinocchio - a small wasp.
Cinderella - a tiny fly with orange eyes.
Hebejeebie - a plant, so named because of “the anxiety it often causes taxonomists”.
Balbaroo fangaroo - a kangaroo with large fangs.
Adonnadonna primadonna - a microfossil, named after the 1960s pop song by Dionne and The Belmonts.
Zyzzyzus - a type of sea anemones, and the last genus name alphabetically, at present.

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