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Oral-B is a combination of oral hygiene and the letter B, for 'better'.

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Not A Morning Person?

Not A Morning Person?

Rub the sleep out of your eyes and start paying attention.  Hayden Selvadurai's here to tell you why you can't get out of bed in the morning.

For me, most mornings start with a bleary-eyed fumble to locate the snooze button on my alarm clock; a futile attempt to gain a few more minutes’ shuteye. It then takes about an hour - and half a litre of coffee - for me to get over the morning drowsiness and become a semi-functional human being. If this routine is unfamiliar to you, then chances are you’re one of those annoyingly chipper morning people that bugs the hell out of me. I’m the opposite.

Grudges aside, everyone’s sleeping habits fall somewhere on a continuum between early bird and night owl, with your position usually thought to be determined through some sort of biological conditioning. Thus, if I were able to regularly get out of bed at a reasonable hour, instead of seeing the wee hours in from under a mountain of work/pints, would I too be able to become a productive morning person?

Unfortunately, our sleeping habits are not that simple. While we still don’t fully
understand the reasons for sleep on a purely biological level, its necessity is undisputable. The effects of